Instructor Profile - Catharine

Name: Self captioned "Extreme Happy Face" Catharine Fewtrell – Aerial Catharine – Miss K Age: 44 What do you teach? Hoop and sling How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)? Since 2013? I think… Did you have any prior experience in dance or sport before you started? Before aerials I did a bit of adult jazz dancing and flamenco. And before that Kung Fu and Kick Boxing. Before getting in the hoop I started pole with Mandy in Basingstoke and then discovered that hoop was easier, more pleasant, more sit-y down-y and you could keep your clothes on, so warmer too! What inspired you to become an instructor? Tom said we might have to move to Norway and I knew I couldn’t live without hoop so I wanted the qualifications to make it easier to continue. What’s the most important thing about instructing for you? Seeing the joy hoop and sling bring to people – seeing someone manage a move they have been trying for ages – helping peopl...