Instructor Profile - Sophie


Sophie Barthel



What do you teach? 

           Instructor and TA for Pole and Aerial Hoop 

How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)?

Gosh! – probably around 6-7 years – I’ve stopped counting haha

What inspired you to become an instructor?

I just love the pole/circus community and I wanted to pass on what I’ve learnt. I always found my instructors so inspiring and I love it when students get a new move – it’s the best feeling!

What’s the most important thing about instructing for you?

Making it safe, and getting a solid grounding in the basics...and having fun of course!! I always think that what’s really helped me along the way is that one of my first instructors really worked me hard on getting to grips with those and standard moves and doing them cleanly and with strength – it’s made learning the hard stuff so much safer and left me without major injuries along the way

What’s a favourite move of yours that might be seen as underrated to others?

Shouldermount – I know it’s really ouchy when you first learn it but I just love how much you can do from it and it looks really impressive even if you are just using it to go up into a crucifix

How do you get out of a funk or get your mojo back?

Flow – if I am having a tough day motivating myself I prance around the pole or play in the hoop without thinking too much about what I want to do – and put on some fast paced music

What are your best tips and tricks for putting together a routine?

Really listen to the music – quite often it will have clues for fast and slow sections or particular words you want to aim for. Also, and I have definitely been a culprit of that many times, don’t put in too many tricks. Having 2 or 3 wow tricks in a routine is plenty and the audience needs some down time during which you can do flow. Also, they get bored if it’s just trick after trick so the flowy bits are there for you to connect with them and give them a feel for the piece

If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?

Japanese – I am a complete sushi addict

If you owned an ice cream truck, what tune would it play?

I think it would actually have to be one of those old fashioned tunes that they play – I am all for recognising what’s coming 😊

What’s your day job?

Primarily clinical statistics – I work in HIV research at one of the pharma companies

What is something you’ve never tried but would like to?

Bungee jumping – although I am not sure I would actually be able to make myself jump 😉

What do you wish you knew more about/of?  

I don’t ever feel I know enough of anything – so there isn’t any one thing but if I had loads of time I’d love to properly learn about psychology (I do already have a masters in Dance Psychotherapy but there is so much I don’t know)

What are some small things that can make your day better?

Anything with movement – if I feel really low I put on one of those Zumba you tube videos and dance away. Or collaging – that definitely always lifts my mood

Tell us something we probably don’t know about you:

I am actually quite geeky – and have published some theoretical maths papers


You can join Sophie in the following classes:

Tuesday - 6pm Open Practise
Tuesday - 7pm - Beginner & Intermediate Pole Fitness
Tuesday - 8pm - Beginners Pole Fitness

Sophie also offers private lessons in Pole Silks and Trapeze, contact her via her Instagram.

To check out our timetable and book upcoming sessions visit:

If you're interested in becoming a TA, keep an eye out on our Facebook group for opportunities. If you're interested in Instructor training visit:

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