Instructor Profile - Stef

Speeding her way into the blog this week is Stef! © The Image Cella Name: Stef (Stefani Fisher) Age: 31 What do you teach? Pole All levels, Pole Silk Workshops How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)? 7 Years What inspired you to become an instructor? I actually was asked whether I’d like to become an instructor, I hadn’t thought about it before that point – but I was always very motivated with my personal training and worked hard to improve my strength. I also really liked the fact that at the studio there was such a diversity of people, whether that’s age, weight, ability, background etc. It made me feel like I could be myself and be successful rather than needing to be slimmer/stronger/better to fit in. This has always been what I try to pass on to students as well. What’s the most important thing about instructing for you? Students having fun and going home feeling like they’ve achieved something even if that is...