2019 Student Survey Results! Part 1.
Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who filled in the survey - the whole team is dedicated to making your experience in classes a good one, so it is really important to us all that we pick up on anything we need to improve on! It's also really great to be able to pass specific feedback on to instructors - I know that they work insanely hard at every aspect of their teaching, so it's lovely to see that is clear to you guys too!
We had 52 responses (beating last years by 1!) - so that's about 20% of our current, active student body. Please keep in mind that we love getting feedback all year round - I need to know if there's anything you are unhappy with and one of my favourite things is being able to message one of the instructors to tell them I've just had a random message about how amazing they are, so do keep those coming too!
Overall it seems you're pretty happy, which is great. I feel it's important to share the results with you, it keeps us accountable and lets you know what others think of us too - I've split the results into a couple of different posts, the next one will be a response to the more detailed feedback we've had - for now let's just look at the numbers!
To keep them concise, I'll give the 'rating' questions a score out of 5 - 5 being extremely satisfied and 1 being extremely dissatisfied.
"Please tell us how satisfied you are overall with your classes at Spin City Newbury"
4.53 out of 5!
This is a great score. We had 1 person state 'neither here nor there' and everyone else was either 'satisfied' or 'extremely satisfied' - a fairly even split between those two options. Thank you!
"Please evaluate the following statements"
Instructors are professional - 4.77
Instructors are approachable - 4.75
Instructors are knowledgeable - 4.81
Class levels are easy to understand - 4.62
I am kept informed of changes to the timetable - 4.66
Classes are reasonably priced - 4.47
I would recommend to a friend - 4.91
I am kept informed of upcoming workshops and events - 4.51
Class numbers are appropriate - 4.19
The following answers have just been assigned a percentage, so you can see how many of you agree with each of the statements.
We had 52 responses (beating last years by 1!) - so that's about 20% of our current, active student body. Please keep in mind that we love getting feedback all year round - I need to know if there's anything you are unhappy with and one of my favourite things is being able to message one of the instructors to tell them I've just had a random message about how amazing they are, so do keep those coming too!
Overall it seems you're pretty happy, which is great. I feel it's important to share the results with you, it keeps us accountable and lets you know what others think of us too - I've split the results into a couple of different posts, the next one will be a response to the more detailed feedback we've had - for now let's just look at the numbers!
To keep them concise, I'll give the 'rating' questions a score out of 5 - 5 being extremely satisfied and 1 being extremely dissatisfied.
"Please tell us how satisfied you are overall with your classes at Spin City Newbury"
4.53 out of 5!
This is a great score. We had 1 person state 'neither here nor there' and everyone else was either 'satisfied' or 'extremely satisfied' - a fairly even split between those two options. Thank you!
"Please evaluate the following statements"
Instructors are professional - 4.77
Instructors are approachable - 4.75
Instructors are knowledgeable - 4.81
Class levels are easy to understand - 4.62
I am kept informed of changes to the timetable - 4.66
Classes are reasonably priced - 4.47
I would recommend to a friend - 4.91
I am kept informed of upcoming workshops and events - 4.51
Class numbers are appropriate - 4.19
The following answers have just been assigned a percentage, so you can see how many of you agree with each of the statements.
"Please let us know your thoughts by ticking all that apply"
The lesson is well planned and thought
out – 100%
The class plans link together in a way
that makes sense – 67.3%
The class is fun – 98.07%
I only want to learn the latest moves I have seen on Instagram – 1.92%
I want to learn and perfect core moves
and build strength with combos – 78.84%
My class has enough practise time for
me to work on my own material - 50%
I don’t need practise time as I come
to weekend/other practises – 5.76%
I would benefit from more non-dom work
– 26.92%
I would benefit from more flow/choreo
– 25%
I would benefit from more conditioning
– 25%
That's all for now - Keep your eyes peeled for the next post which will give some examples of the specific feedback we've had, and a response from me!
Katy x