Menstrual Cups!

You may have seen the question Katy asked on our Facebook group a few weeks ago: " I have been approached by a student who would prefer to remain anonymous to ask whether anyone has any experience using a Mooncup™ or similar while training pole or aerials, whether anyone would be happy to share experiences or advice? Basically - is it any good, do you/have you had to take any extra measures to avoid leakage or is it great?" The post received a huge amount of interest, so I thought I'd summarise some general things that were discussed about Menstrual Cups. The responses were all incredibly positive, the only 'issues' were about finding the right one for you. I for one had no idea there were so many different types! _________________________________ So here are 5 things I learned about Menstrual Cup variety: Capacity - Depending on your period, there are a variety of cups to suit all different flow rates. Something I've read a few times...