TA Profile - Becca

Becca Pearce 


What do you teach?
I’m a teaching assistant for the 6.15pm Aerial Silks class on a Monday

How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)?
Aerial silks – nearly 2 years
Pole – 1.5 years
Hoop – 2 Months
[As of Dec 2018]

What inspired you to become an instructor?
Watching all of the amazing instructors and TAs doing their thing and supporting their students. I love helping others.

What’s the most important thing about instructing for you?
Making sure my students feel safe and leaving class feeling like they have achieved, not necessarily their main goals but little victories like nailing a climb or improving their inverts

What’s a favourite move of yours that might be seen as underrated to others?
I really love hitch work in silks, all the moves are so versatile yet can be so simple and pretty! My favourite is cabbot circus, as it looks so cool and makes you look so flexy (it’s a lie because I am not bendy at all!!)

How do you get out of a funk or get your mojo back?
I found taking up another discipline really helped when I was making no progress in my current goals. Cross training really helps build your muscles and core, so many moves can be translated across the various equipment!
Or, just being really stubborn and keep training the moves that frustrate me and make me cry – because when I finally nail it, it is the best feeling!

What are your best tips and tricks for putting together a routine?
Group together moves that you know you can do, and try and make the transition flow. Once you have a combo you can do, start thinking of what music you are going to choose – can you make your combo work with it? Can you add a drop move with a drop in the music? And practise, practise, practise!!!

If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?
Good question… tacos! Generally Mexican food is my go to… I have earned the nickname ‘Bexican’ for a reason.

If you owned an ice cream truck, what tune would it play?
Sugar – System of a Down. I’m metal af...

What’s your day job?
I am a registered veterinary nurse

What is something you’ve never tried but would like to?
In regards to aerials, it would be trapeze.
Outside of the studio I would love to try surfing!

What do you wish you knew more about/of?
I would love to know more about cars. I am literally the worst… I didn’t know I had to top up my cars water level until my air conditioning blew up. Oh and DIY, don’t get me started on that!

What are some small things that can make your day better?
Cats, seeing friends, doing a good deed and making someone’s day a little better or easier

Tell us something we probably don’t know about you:
I nearly got to a black belt in karate and I am a kickass swimmer, with my best stroke being butterfly! I was so good during my lessons that there was talks about me working towards competing… but alas, teenaged me was more interested in boys and social media!


If you're interested in becoming a TA, keep an eye out on our Facebook group for opportunities. If you're interested in Instructor training visit: www.spincityinstructortraining.com

To check out our timetable and book upcoming sessions visit: https://goteamup.com/p/983042-spin-city-newbury

C x