Instructor Profile - Yasmin

© Ben Ripley Photography
Technically, Yasmin no longer has a scheduled class with us anymore but don't worry, she's not actually going anywhere!

We're lucky enough that Yas will stay with us as a student, occasional instructor and all round wonderful human. 



What do you teach?
Aerial Hoop, Aerial Yoga (lots of other non aerial stuff too like Childrens Yoga & Acro!)

How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)?
Since 2014

What inspired you to become an instructor?
A few different things..

From a young age, I loved performing and would charge my parents to watch my homemade shows with songs, dance routines and gymnastic style tricks.

This was my kind of fun. Fast forward 20 years and my sense of fun has not changed too much! Thankfully (for my parents) I have stopped torturing them with my living room shows, but I do occasionally ask them to watch me on a stage.

My first love was performing arts, later grow my passion to teach.

My introduction to Aerial was a 6 week beginners pole fitness course, and I could not believe the feeling afterwards! I’d never enjoyed the gym, in fact I never went... But this was amazing fun and hard work. I left each session buzzing, and excited for the next.

Not long after, I found Spin City. I attended classes ALL THE TIME, and I had incredibly inspiring teachers. These guys are the reason I wanted to teach. Eventually I became a Teaching Assistant, then an Aerial Hoop Instructor.

Becoming a teacher helped me grow a huge amount and eventually gave me the confidence to leave my office job to pursue a career in health & wellbeing!

What’s the most important thing about instructing for you?
I think it is important to have a passion to share your knowledge, and help people grow in your chosen subject. This is certainly true for me. I get a little ‘happiness high’ when a student achieves something that they’ve been struggling with and you’ll often here me shouting in excitement for them!

It is also important for me that I can offer safe classes to everybody who wishes to attend sessions. With this in mind, I think continually learning and growing is super important! It helps keep my classes fresh too, as I can use my new found sequences from training, or I can implement my book smarts!

What’s a favourite move of yours that might be seen as underrated to others?
My students will tell you I LOVE a crescent moon roll. It’s something I regularly pop into my flows because it looks so pretty! I think I’ve practiced so much, so I’ve built the technique and lost the pain..It’s definitely not for everyone!

How do you get out of a funk or get your mojo back?
When I'm a little stuck with my personal practice I tend to need to mix it up…Whether that be attending a new class/workshop/1-2-1 or enjoying a practice session with friends.

If it’s something a little longer term, then I try taking a break! Sometimes you just need a little rest from it to reset and then you can start over. That doesn’t mean you need to give up aerials for that time, just maybe you could try a new challenge like silks (if Hoop is your funk) for example.

What are your best tips and tricks for putting together a routine?
Practice, practice practice! I absolutely love flowing; I tend to play with sequences every time I practice and every time I teach. I think if you practice regularly, it becomes much easier and feels so much more natural.

If I am specifically routine writing, I usually start with a list of moves I am familiar with, moves I know like the back of my hand. I then create a sequence that flow nicely from one to another.

Once I’ve got a short sequence, I’ll choose a song and apply a theme! Then I can continue building in the same style.

If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?
Probably chocolate… all the chocolate

If you owned an ice cream truck, what tune would it play?
Little Richard - Tutti Frutti

What’s your day job?
Yoga Teacher!

What is something you’ve never tried but would like to?
Sky Dive!!

What do you wish you knew more about/of?
Psychology - We are such interesting creatures!

What are some small things that can make your day better?
I’m currently reading a book called The Four Pillars. I've been trying out a few of the techniques, one of which is a gratitude journal. I must be honest, I thought it was not for me... but there are lots of scientific studies into the lasting benefits - It’s shown to increase positivity long term! I’ve only just started, but the method I’m using is working well for me. Changing my perspective on certain situations or days.

The way I think of my gratitudes... (from the book)

What have you done today that has made somebody else happy?
What has somebody else done for you today to make you happy?
What have you learned today?

Tell us something we probably don’t know about you:
I come from a circus family! My circus family are called Raymer Bros. Circus so it seems my passion to be upside down is in the blood!

My Granny & Grandad both performed, my Grandad as a clown names Pongo, and my Granny with her well trained circus dogs!

My Great Grandad specialised in tricks with horses, and was known to balance upside down on his shoulder/head on horseback!

This is a video of my great Grandad Training a young lady on the horses.

The picture below is my Great Uncle & Great Aunt on trapeze together in the circus.


You can join Yasmin in her Beginner / Intermediate
Aerial Hoop class on Wednesdays at 6pm.

To check out our timetable and book upcoming sessions visit:

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