Instructor Profile - Tweedy (Helen)
do you teach?
long have you been in your respective discipline(s)
About 7 or 8 years
About 7 or 8 years
inspired you to become an instructor?
Love of aerials and wanting to spread that love! It's very rewarding when your students achieve things that they've been working on for a while and I really enjoy seeing them progress.
Love of aerials and wanting to spread that love! It's very rewarding when your students achieve things that they've been working on for a while and I really enjoy seeing them progress.
the most important thing about instructing for you?
Making sure my students have a great time and achieve their goals in a safe and supportive way. Also encouraging everyone to eat Mitch cookies.
Making sure my students have a great time and achieve their goals in a safe and supportive way. Also encouraging everyone to eat Mitch cookies.
a favourite move of yours that might be seen as underrated to others?
A plain ol’ plank back balance. They'll always be a fave.
A plain ol’ plank back balance. They'll always be a fave.
do you get out of a funk or get your mojo back?
Having a training session with other hoopy friends is definitely the best way. Everyone has different strengths and ways of training, and I find it really beneficial to have someone to bounce ideas around with. Flipping through the bibles also helps as it can remind me of moves that I haven't done in a while. I also film most of the things I do, so I'll often flip through old videos and find things that way. I tend to avoid Instagram if I'm after inspiration, a lot of it is just too flexy for me!
Having a training session with other hoopy friends is definitely the best way. Everyone has different strengths and ways of training, and I find it really beneficial to have someone to bounce ideas around with. Flipping through the bibles also helps as it can remind me of moves that I haven't done in a while. I also film most of the things I do, so I'll often flip through old videos and find things that way. I tend to avoid Instagram if I'm after inspiration, a lot of it is just too flexy for me!
What are your best tips and tricks for putting together a routine?
Pretty sure I do this differently every time. Stick with moves you know you can hit 100% of the time. I learnt that the hard way. When it comes to putting moves to a song, I'll often listen to the lyrics and the speed of the song and try and match moves to them. For example, stick in a drama move if there's a dramatic point in the song. Keep moving. Not necessarily movetomovetomove, but within your move, do an arm swish or sexy octopus legs etc. Means you can drag individual moves out longer and makes the whole routine flow better. Handy if you're doing a knackering routine. Don't ask me about floor work, I suck at it!
Pretty sure I do this differently every time. Stick with moves you know you can hit 100% of the time. I learnt that the hard way. When it comes to putting moves to a song, I'll often listen to the lyrics and the speed of the song and try and match moves to them. For example, stick in a drama move if there's a dramatic point in the song. Keep moving. Not necessarily movetomovetomove, but within your move, do an arm swish or sexy octopus legs etc. Means you can drag individual moves out longer and makes the whole routine flow better. Handy if you're doing a knackering routine. Don't ask me about floor work, I suck at it!
you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?
CAKE! It could be a build your own cake; you choose the sponge, filling, icing and toppings. Or Italian… mmmm, pizza!
CAKE! It could be a build your own cake; you choose the sponge, filling, icing and toppings. Or Italian… mmmm, pizza!
you owned an ice cream truck, what tune would it play?
Prodigy, Stand Up. Or Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody. I'd probably have to have a playlist.
Prodigy, Stand Up. Or Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody. I'd probably have to have a playlist.
your day job?
Not as fun as hoop.
Not as fun as hoop.
is something you’ve never tried but would like to?
Horse back archery. Special effects make up using prosthetics.
Horse back archery. Special effects make up using prosthetics.

Pretty much everything. I rarely feel like I know enough about anything.
are some small things that can make your day better?
Getting a soppy message from the special stinky someone in my life. He may fart a lot, but it does make me grin. Also biscuits, bunny cuddles and getting lost in a good book.
Getting a soppy message from the special stinky someone in my life. He may fart a lot, but it does make me grin. Also biscuits, bunny cuddles and getting lost in a good book.
us something we probably don’t know about you:
I can touch my nose with my tongue.
I can touch my nose with my tongue.
You can join Tweedy in her Intermediate/Advanced Aerial Hoop Class on Thursdays at 7pm.
To check out our timetable and book upcoming sessions visit:
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