Instructor Profile - Nadine

© The Image Cella

Well, well, well, what's all this then! It's time to meet another instructor...




What do you teach?
Pole and yoga

How long have you been in your respective discipline(s)?
About 8 years for pole, 15 years for yoga

What inspired you to become an instructor?
I was the winner of the UK Amateur Pole Performer (Expert Level) and one of my prizes was free xpert training. Seemed too good an opportunity to miss. I started teaching in Fareham and have never looked back!!

What’s the most important thing about instructing for you?
I love seeing people grow in confidence, when someone nails a trick or move it’s the best reward ever!

What’s a favourite move of yours that might be seen as underrated to others?
Jallegra and anything on spinny pole… spinny pole IS THE BEST!!!

How do you get out of a funk or get your mojo back?
I revisit videos of Michelle Stanek or Marlo Fisken and remind myself pole dancing is about movement, not just about the tricks and I remind myself of what I can do and make it better. I try not to dwell on what I can’t do. Pole should be fun.

What are your best tips and tricks for putting together a routine?
Choose music you love, don’t do too many tricks, add dance, floorwork and flow. And slow everything down… and stay true to yourself. Dance for yourself.

If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?

If you owned an ice cream truck, what tune would it play?
Anything by N.W.A!! Hip hop is the bomb!

What’s your day job?
I am a Colonel in the Royal Military Police

What is something you’ve never tried but would like to?
Going into space

What do you wish you knew more about/of?
I wish I could read and play music. The violin.

What are some small things that can make your day better?

Tell us something we probably don’t know about you:
I used to be a podium dancer in the Hacienda!


You can join Nadine at the following classes:

Monday - 8.15pm - Intermediate / Advanced Pole Fitness
Wednesday - 6pm - Introduction to Spinning Pole
Sunday - 9.45am - Yoga for Flexibility
Sunday - 11am - Mixed Ability Pole Fitness

To check out our timetable and book upcoming sessions visit:

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