Body Positive 30 Day Challenge - Join Us!
Body Positive 30 Day Challenge
For the month of June, we've decided to focus on a 30 day challenge to improve mental well-being. Lead by the BBC Body Positive Instagram, we're going to follow along the 30 day path and we'd love for you to join us!
First, follow @BBCBodyPositive on Instagram
Second, follow us @SpinCityNewbury on Instagram
Third, commit to taking one small step everyday to better your mental wellness. Starting 1st June!
Week 1 - Connect
"This week, the focus of the challenges is "connect" - and by this we mean actual human interaction. Evidence shows that good relationships – with family, friends and our wider communities – are important for our mental wellbeing. Building stronger, wider social connections can help us feel happier and more secure, and give us a greater sense of purpose. As Dr Zoe says, "We're social animals and we don't thrive when we're lonely and isolated."
What better way to kick off the start of the challenge than with our Charity Ball! Perhaps you're going to the ball with friends and this is the prime opportunity to take some time to reflect on your connection with them. Perhaps you're not going to the ball... but there's nothing to stop you arranging to go for coffee with a friend during the day. Or better yet, inviting them over and cooking them their favourite meal... Remember it's a date!
In the world we live in, social media can make us feel like we've connected... but this week is about ensuring the person you're connecting with knows you're there for them. We can often feel like we've caught up with a friend because we've seen a picture or a status they've posted but they might not actually know we're thinking about them, so tell them in person. Take some time to enjoy you and them time, with no distractions!
1st June - Go on a friend date
You've been given a few days warning before our challenge starts so get planning. As Dr Zoe says "...the idea is, if you can pick up just one or two changes that work for you and that you can sustain long-term, it can have a really positive impact on your mental wellness and your general health."
For more information on mental health and
the actions you can take to better it, see the links below: